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Meet Anika – Digital Source Internal Interview

Presenting an all new release from our internal interview series! This week, we checked in with our Digital Source Marketing Executive and fairly recent addition to the team Anika Doshi. Read our chat below, as we get all her thoughts on what makes great content, her favourite DS projects and love for spicy food. 

Where are you from?

I’m from Pune, India.

How long have you lived in Amsterdam for?

I’ve lived in Amsterdam for four years now. I moved here in 2017 to pursue my master’s degree and explore opportunities in music. 

Aga Khan Palace. Pune, India

What is your role at Digital Source? 

My role at DS is Marketing Executive. I create and manage all DS’s content, copy and social media strategy across different platforms! Have a look on our LinkedIn and Instagram. 😉

What made you decide to get into Marketing? 

I always knew I wanted to get into a field with creative potential,  but what really drew me towards Marketing was the ability to tell a brand’s story through so many different lenses. There’s always something new to convey, and so many different ways to present it. 

What’s your favourite piece of work you’ve created so far at Digital Source? 

I would say my very first blog piece ‘Adapting our company values while working from home’. It was really encouraging to feel the support from the team (even though we are working remote), and to see the article resonate with so many others in similar positions. 

You create so much fantastic content for Digital Source, for marketers looking to specialise in the recruitment industry, can you share some of your key learnings or insights? 

Authenticity, consistency and creativity is the way I approach Marketing. In recruitment, it’s important to develop content around your brand, in addition to your services. Lean on your team, and draw inspiration from what they bring to your organisation. 

Develop content around your brand, in addition to your services

Are you sweet or savoury? 

Neither. I’m all about spice!

What’s your favourite travel or holiday destination? 

The Algarve in Portugal (take me back…). 

Who are your guilty pleasures to follow on Instagram? 

Too many! I’m a bit of a home cook, so food accounts are my go-to guilty pleasures. Half Baked Harvest and Epicurious are my personal favourites.

Anika in the Algarve, Portugal

What book are you currently reading? 

‘You Do You: how to be who you are and use what you’ve got to get what you want’ by Sarah Night. A little self-help read to get the year started! 

To meet more members from our internal interview series, click here or follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn for the latest team updates and news from Technology Recruitment.

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