Author: PCN

Climbing The Ladder in Tech as a Software Developer

So you are a senior software engineer… You’ve mastered your skills in java, python, or any other coding language, you have at least 3-5 years of work experience in your field, you can code with your eyes closed and basically, you are ‘the popular kid’ of the job market. The world is your oyster once you type in “software developer jobs” on a search engine. But what is your next step going to be? Do you really have all it takes to climb those steep steps and become a lead software developer, a manager engineer, or a CTO someday? At Digital Source, we would like to see you not only surviving but also thriving in your career. Let us give you some tips to make the most out of your potential in software engineering and who knows, you might thank us on your LinkedIn promotion announcement post one day!

Embrace your strengths

We know the very annoying stereotyping of IT people about their lack of soft skills. Others might think that you prefer to use “coding languages” because you’re not very good with the normal ones… But first of all, let’s accept and embrace the fact that you are the one and only person who can translate the basic needs and wants of your customers or clients into a digital service or product. Also, it’s undeniable that we’re living in the age of technology and obviously, the market needs more experienced software developers than ever. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics report, software developer employment is projected to grow 21% by 2028, which is faster than the average projected rate of growth for all occupations (5%).

Be a team player

If we could boost your confidence and remind you of your superpowers, let’s face some facts that people who work at highly tech-savvy positions like data analysts, backend developers, or full-stack engineers ignore sometimes. Achieving success in a start-up, scale-up or any technology-related corporate culture is not a feast that you can enjoy by yourself. It’s all about teamwork and therefore, just “doing your own thing” is never enough in the IT industry even if you’re doing the best of “your own thing”. If you want to grow your career, the best way of doing it is to grow with your company. In this case, first, you need to feel attached to your work culture and become a part of it. To be a good leader or an executive, you need to learn how to be a good teammate first. Otherwise, instead of growing together, you will grow apart from your work. 

But what does it take to be a tech-savvy leader if having all the required technical knowledge is not enough? As Einstein once said, “You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” Maybe your future junior or senior teammates will be slightly more acknowledged about the technological terms compared to your grandma. But still, they need a clear, step-by-step explanation and open communication to follow up with how things work and add value to your team. Rather than considering yourself as a solo runner in a marathon, see your business as a relay race where you need synchronization and harmony within your team. Therefore, regardless of which language you speak the best: English, German, French, Japanese, Java, or Python, communication is always the key. 

Communication is always key

This power of communication does not need to appear as being the most talkative person in a stressful networking event or a small talk in the office on a Monday morning. We have good news for our tech-savvy community; since the world has gone digital, communication and soft skills have gone digital as well. Lately, Insider published an article about how hybrid competence has become the newest soft skill with an outsize impact on your career. The biggest reason behind this shift is the changing office culture dynamics in workplaces which also had a huge impact on our perception of a healthy work relationship. Day by day, companies keep expanding their remote hirings and expecting a team leader to master multiple video calls, instant messaging platforms to maintain relationships, switch between home working and in-person catch-ups and manage teams remotely from all around the world. Hence, it gives a huge competitive advantage to people who have been working closely with online channels and are familiar with digital communication tools like Slack, Zoom, Google Meet, and Trello

Either if you consider yourself as someone who is already a people person and tech-savvy and at the same time who can achieve or you feel like you’re not there in both yet, we got your back for both. Apply for our senior or higher positions in the Netherlands, France or Germany and start to grow your career in growing tech companies based in Europe! You can also reach out to our expert consultants directly via LinkedIn to have a one-on-one and find the best fit for your future career. They will be more than happy to be your guide in the job market full of opportunities for software engineers!

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