Why Diversity In Coding Matters

3 ways in which diverse backgrounds and experiences make for a stronger workforce in tech

Are you familiar with origin stories of certain products? For example, the story of Quibi? QuiBi was meant to be the next Netflix for younger generations. The difference, in short, was that the content of movies and tv series was shortened into 10 min sequences. The idea was to combine the characteristics of YouTube and TikTok: younger viewers were supposed to be used to watching short videos rather than the whole movie marathon. The failure came along because it happened to be an elder people view of what younger people wanted.

This story shows us that it is essential to have a broader perspective when launching a new product. Recognising the true needs of intended users is crucial and determines the success or a disaster of what the company wants to give to the audience.

1) Diversity brings a wide perspective

When it comes to coding, having a diverse team onboard gives a broader perspective on tasks at hand. The combined professional and personal experience of a team is an excellent way to verify an idea that a company wants to work on. This experience may help a business grow and build a technology that will be helpful for a larger group of users. Most importantly, diverse tech teams will promote a better sense of awareness when it comes to users’ needs, in addition to easier accessibility to a product. 

‘When you first think about coding, you immediately associate it with technical skills and proficiency with coding languages. However, soft skills are crucial when it comes to the everyday application of software intended to help people in their daily lives. These soft skills are very individualistic; spanning from social graces, communication, language skills, personal habits, empathy, teamwork, and even leadership traits’, says Greg Morawski, Global Manager at Coders Lab.

The more diverse the team, the more likely it is that the approach to a task will be better thought out. A brainstorming session in such a group can become a successful exchange of viewpoints.

2) Companies with diversity are 70% more likely to capture a new market

When a group is made up of team members from different backgrounds, it becomes easier to accommodate differences and alternative views. Although people have to try harder to convey their way of thinking, they are also required to stay open to differing points of view. Creating such an environment nourishes outside-the-box thinking, while encouraging the acceptance to meet the needs of various people. 

Moreover, cognitively diverse teams seem to solve problems faster than cognitively similar teams. These individuals seem to be more comfortable when sharing their ideas and solutions to given problems. It’s been proven, that if an employee trusts their employer and has confidence that their idea will be heard, they are 3,5 times more likely to unleash their full potential. Most significantly, listening to each voice within a team helps navigate new and existing markets through more creative avenues.

3) Change starts with the basics

“We put a great emphasis on diversity in tech. When we started in 2013, we could count our female students on one hand. Presently, we are proud to teach at least 30% of women in our groups. We are really happy about this and hope that in the near future, these numbers will continue to grow. Coding is democratic, as the most important attributes for a successful student does not stem from gender. Diverse communities enable group learning to be so much more interesting, bringing a broader perspective to given tasks and problems at hand.” adds Greg Morawski.

About Coders Lab

Coders Lab, the biggest bootcamp in CEE, is an international coding school with over 8,000 graduates. This is a modern coding bootcamp that enables a quick career change and effective expansion of digital competencies. It focuses on teaching practical skills that are useful for future employers. Bootcamp students attend instructor-led classes. Also, they take part in workshops, exams, and create final projects for their professional portfolios. Coders Lab IT Academy offers courses in Python and JavaScript development.

If programming is considered as a problem solving then having a diverse tech crew, that works in a friendly and inspiring environment, will for sure lead to better thought out solutions. Let’s remember that technology is created by people mostly to give improvements to the daily lives of others. So, if the garden will be nurtured wisely then the best fruits will be reaped.

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